TEAMS project aim is to develop an innovative operational training package focused on teamwork to assist EMCs/EMTs in preparing for deployment and to allow quality assurance of the teams.
TEAMS 2.0 is this next and overlapping project that is aimed to create a Training of Trainers’ (ToT) program to train novice and inexperienced team leaders or training managers of EMCs/EMTs organizations on how to effectively use the online TEAMS training package. The overall objective is to develop, pilot and assess a standardized, cost-effective training of trainers program able to equip novice and inexperienced team leaders or training managers of EMCs/EMTs organizations with the necessary competencies to effectively use the online TEAMS training package.

The project aims at reaching the following outputs:
- To create a training framework focused on training of trainers.
- To develop teaching materials and select effective training methods
- To embed the ToT module in the TEAMS e-learning platform to facilitate the delivery of the teaching materials
- To pilot the training package during two training events
- To assess the effectiveness of the ToT in terms of learning outcomes, participants satisfaction and improvement of technical and non-technical skills of the participants
- To evaluate the quality of the ToT package

The final product of TEAMS 2.0 will be an online training module consisting of innovative blended learning teaching materials and simulation-based exercises focused on ToT learning activities, sustainable for resource-poor settings.
The TEAMS 2.0 consortium comprises of the same partners of TEAMS project: CRIMEDIM, HCRI, Karolinska Institute, Tel-Aviv University and Istanbul Medeniyet University will compose the project team as academic institutions, Turkish National Medical Rescue Team and Humedica as GO and NGO, respectively, and Novareckon as private company. The true added value is the virtuous collaboration between academic institutions and operational organizations both Governmental and Non-Governmental with different facilities that will bring a combination of different background, experience and vision. Moreover, it will use state of the art blended learning and simulation technologies to enhance the effectiveness of the learning process.