A strong, effective partnership between international global health emergency and training stakeholders, Emergency Medical Teams and recognised experts from Academia, GOs and NGOs in the field of disaster and humanitarian health has been formed to accomplish the scientific and operational project activities.
The Research Center in Emergency and Disaster Medicine (CRIMEDIM), Karolinska Institute (KI), The Gertner Institute for Epidemiology & Health Policy Research (GERTNER) and Istanbul Medeniyet University (IMU) will form the project team as academic institutions. In addition, EMTs from Norway (HDIR), Portugal (INEM) and Germany (JOHANNITER) will be involved to improve the quality and the content of training package and to adapt it to new threats, as well as to have the final package delivered within their team to test it. Finally, Novareckon, a private company with extensive experience in European Project management and support, will coordinate the communication, dissemination and exploitation actions.