The Directorate of Health is the technical agency and public authority under the Ministry of Health and Care Services that performs its assignment with a basis in the roles as technical adviser, implementer of approved policy and administrator of statutes and regulations within the health sector. In all preparedness activities vis-à-vis the health and care and social care service and administration, the Directorate of Health must help ensure that cooperation is safeguarded in preparedness planning and during crises. The Directorate provides guidelines, advice and guidance to the municipality as the public health authority and to the health service, through the County Governor, and facilitates drills and expertise measures. Following delegation by the Ministry, the Directorate of Health will be in charge of overall coordination of the health and care sector’s efforts and implement necessary measures when a crisis situation is imminent or has occurred.

Steinar Olsen

Steinar Olsen, Director/ Emergency Medicine and Preparedness

RN, Paramedic, whit 38 years of clinical and high-level management background from EMS and specialized health care services, now serving as director for Emergency medical services and national preparedness in the Norwegian directorate of health including Regional chair of the European Regional Group for EMT and national focal point to NATO joint civ-mil. Health group. Experience from various positions in national health care, ranging from in field disaster management to hospital management, project management through various national and international project’s including heading Norway’s contribution to Sierra Leone during the Ebola outbreak in 2014/15 and followed by various deployments different international humanitarian and consular crises.

Merete Ellefsen

Merete Ellefsen, Senior Adviser/ Emergency Medicine and Preparedness

RN, CCRN, with 15 years of clinical background from both ICU and ER. Works for the Norwegian Directorate of Health with Emergency Medical Services, Emergency preparedness, Nordic Cooperation and management of the Norwegian Emergency Medical team (NOR EMT). Works as a mentor for EMTs trough the WHO EMT initiative and preform as trainer in EU exercises. Experience from training management in both in ICU, acute and emergency department and during implementation of TETRA as the Public Safety Radio System in Norway. Worked with evaluation of the health care services after the terror attack the 22nd of July 2011 and deployment of health care workers in various international humanitarian and consular crisis.