TEAMS training package - Ex.1 Preparing for deployment

Exercise 1 – Preparing for deployment


Type of exercise

Type: tabletop exercise


Phase of the disaster response

Type: pre-deployment



The purpose of this exercise is to expose participants to an EMT pre-deployment situation, in which an unfamiliarized group people have to quickly build up a team and start working together to prepare efficiently for the EMT mission. During deployments EMTmembers will require excellent communications skills and flexibility, as well as a good understanding of their differentroles, whichmay evolve to adapt to the changing conditions of the EMT context. Creating positive and collaborative team dynamics contributes to an overall effective operational performance.



This exercise simulates the first meeting of a group of EMT members assigned to deploy in response to the earthquake in Montyland. Before heading to the field, the team members will gather in the EMT Headquarters (HQ) office and introduce to each other, get information about the mission and understand what will be their roles once on the field. They will also have to work together on different preparatory tasks for the imminent deployment.


General objectives

    • To effectively manage the information received before deployment
    • To understand the different EMT staff roles within the team
    • To work collaboratively for the preparation of the EMT deployment

See the complete table with learning objectives in the annex ‘Exercise 1 – Learning Objectives’.


Exercise description

5 minExercise briefingDelivered out of role. The training manager will explain the scope of the exercise to participants, disclosing only the information needed for them to understand the scenario and get immersed in the role. The trainer will also ask participants to follow the rules that will be given during the exercise.

Simulated setting: The team is at EMT HQ office one day before deployment
10 min Welcome team members at the EMT HQ officeAll the team members will be gathered in a room that simulates an EMT HQ office. A facilitator taking the role of an EMT HQ officer will welcome all team members who are assigned to deploy to Montyland.

The EMT HQ officer will encourage team members to introduce themselves in front of their colleagues, saying their name and the role they will have within the EMT during the deployment. (NOTE: If participants already know each other from before, this part of the exercise can be removed).
20 minPre-deployment briefingThe EMT HQ officer will give a briefing of the mission (oral presentation), including detailed information about the country’s profile, the disaster event and the intervention to be put in place by the EMT. Refer to the annex ‘Pre-deployment briefing’. (NOTE: Alternatively, the EMT HQ officer can give the written information to the team leader, and ask him/her to read it to the rest of the team).
5 min Split in groupsOne of the trainers will give instructions to the team leader to divide the team in 4groups. Each group will need to include people with different profiles (e.g. each group should include a doctor, nurse, logistician, pharmacist, watsan, other).
40 min Preparation for the deploymentOnce the groups are formed each group will receive a 1 page document with instructions to complete a task assigned. Refer to the annex ‘Pre-deployment group tasks’.
40 min Bringing together the inputs from each groupOne of the trainers will ask all the team members to get together again and each group to share with the rest of the team the outputs from the group work. They should organize for deployment according to what they have discussed.
10 minDealing with the watsan activitiesThe team leader will receive a call from the EMT HQ officer who will share this latest information:

Add inject 1: Team members will have to find a solution to cover water and sanitation activities since the watsan specialist cancelled deployment.
20 minDealing with travel constraintsWhile discussing about the previous situation, one of the logistic members of the team will receive message about travel arrangements:

Add inject 2: Team members will have to split the team and equipment in half to travel to Montyland due to changes in the flights
40 minExercise DebriefingDelivered out of role. Refer to the annex‘Exercise debriefing’
Total time (approx.): 3h



Exercise 1 – INJECT MATRIX
Inject number
To whom?
Inject summary
In the session after group work, once all groups finish their presentations
To the team leader, via phone
Watsan specialist cancel deployment
10 min after inject 2
To one of the logisticians
Team and equipment have to be splitted in half

See the detailed description of the injectsin the annex‘Exercise 1 – Injects’.


Resources needed

Human resources

  • 3 trainers (one of them will be the training manager)
  • 2 facilitators (one of them will take the role of the EMT HQ officer)


  • Blank paper and pens
  • Print out of ‘Pre-deployment group tasks’ document
  • Cell phone for the team leader
  • Packing list with equipment for deployment (to be prepared by the EMT using their usual packing list format and materials)


General considerations

Before starting the exercise make sure:

  • Trainers and facilitators have carefully read the exercise objectives and description
  • There is an appropriate space for the team to work together and separated in groups (e.g. tables and chairs that can be moved and rearranged)
  • All the needed materials (see Resources section) are available
  • A cell phone is provided to the team leader
  • Trainers have adapted the ‘Pre-deployment Briefing’ document to fit the EMT and participants characteristics, and you have added contact information that participants will use to contact the EMT HQ officer if they need to.


Key reference/ supporting documents



  1. Exercise 1 – Learning objectives
  2. Exercise 1 – Injects
  3. Exercise 1 – Pre-deployment briefing
  4. Exercise 1 – Pre-deployment group tasks
  5. Exercise 1 – Exercise debriefing